Monday, May 28, 2007

Not So Good Today

Not feeling very well today. It’s rainy and cold and my body is aching thanks to the osteoarthritis that I have in just about every joint. I was supposed to go to the hospital for another blood test tomorrow but I think I’ll postpone if it’s still cold and wet.

On the brighter side, I just tried on a pair of size 24 jeans from my closet (jeans that were very tight last fall) and now they are baggy. Wot!? Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket I estimate that I’ve lost two sizes. Luckily I can sew and that means I’ll be able to alter my fat clothes as I shrink thus saving me some cash. I’ll use the cash I save for new skinny clothes.

BSL dropped to 9.7, that’s twice it’s dropped below 10, so I’m happy about that. Still doing good with food choices –weighing and measuring and such. Not craving anything. It’s as though the diabetes has totally changed my brain. I realise it’s psychological but all the same, I still have no cravings. Ahh well, contracting diabetes is no way to lose weight.

Went online window shopping for D-SLR cameras today and found two that have the features I want and are within my price range. Hopefully, they will come down a bit in price as the camera will be my reward for reaching my second mini-goal. I’m not rushing anything.

I’ve noticed the WordPress gremlins have been at work adding superfluous characters to some of my posts. I went back and fixed what I noticed. Also, 3FC tickers stopped working for me so from now on I’ll make my own.
That’s about it so I’m off to read some other blogs.


Saturday, May 26, 2007

.:Weekly Averages:.

Week Ending 25 May

End of week one of measuring and weighing and counting. The results are in and here are the averages for the week ending 25 May:

  • Calories = 1505
  • Fat = 34 grams
  • Carbs = 240 grams
  • Protein = 68 grams
  • Weight loss = 2 lbs. (actual)

I may be back later to add some details but for now I’m off to do the dinner dishes.

Friday, May 25, 2007


About three years ago I purchased the FitDay software and installed it on my desktop computer. I used it for a bit and it was great. Then, I got my new laptop and didn’t install FitDay, so the software and the good intentions of reducing, or dieting if you will, was quickly abandoned. I’ve now installed the software on my laptop and have started seriously tracking my food intake. Being morbidly obese and diabetic, I feel the need to weigh and measure every morsel. The software helps me to see from where my calories, fat, carbs and other nutrients come. The purchased version is a bit more comprehensive than the online version. Very handy tool.

In other news, today is the first day since being diagnosed with diabetes that my blood sugar count has fallen below ten (below ten being normal). Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Also, I’ve added a multi-vitamin to my morning regime to ensure I’m not losing important nutrients during this lifestyle change.

Today is a good day.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Another Goal...Another Pound

I’ve set another goal for myself, and that is to give up coffee. Yep, I’ve been a coffee drinker for a long, long time and now it’s time to stop.

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The caffeine can’t be any good for my system and I know for certain it’s not good for my blood pressure. Who needs another complication? So, starting today, I’m only going to drink one mug of coffee in the morning instead of my usual two mugs. What I’d like to do is avoid the withdrawal symptoms by gradually weaning myself instead of going off coffee cold-turkey.

Food choices are good. So far this week, excluding Sunday, the numbers average like this:

  • calories = 1340
  • fat = 26(g)
  • carbs = 218(g)
  • protein = 61(g)

And the cool thing about all this is it includes snacks and I’m not starving! A kitchen scale comes in handy as well. What looks like a hundred grams (or whatever) is totally different when it is weighed. I suck at eyeballing portions so I have to weigh and measure. A good kitchen scale takes all the guess work out of planning my meals. Also, I have these little ramekins, and once I’ve weighed out 100 grams of cottage cheese, I know exactly how much 100 grams of cottage is without having to weigh it again. Hopefully, when I get the hang of my new eating habits, I’ll not have to weigh and measure my food as often.

On this regime, the blubber is falling off. I’ve always known what to do I just didn’t do it. Well, contracting diabetes has completely changed my way of thinking. I’m thankful I’ve not got heart disease, kidney disease, liver problems or some other uncontrollable malady. I can control this disease.

I want to live.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Feeling Tired

Feeling tired today even though I got a good nights sleep. I hate housework with a passion but it has to be done and I hate it even more when I’m feeling bad. Hopefully, when the doc gets me on my meds I’ll regain some of my energy and start to feel good again.

Dinner was good last night. Baked salmon - with dill and lemon and just a touch of butter - and a tossed green salad with olive oil and balsamic vinegar dressing. Drank one litre of water last night whilst watching TV. Tonight will be skinless baked chicken thigh with steamed veg and rice pilaf.

For lunch I think I’ll have a slice of whole wheat toast with a bit of peanut butter, a slice of cantaloupe and a mug of chicken broth.

Lost another pound. Go me!

Sunday, May 13, 2007

BSL Chart

Am feeling much better today and my blood sugar level seems to have stabilized. The reason being, I’ve cut out all processed sugar and alcohol and trying to keep my fat intake to 15-20 grams per day. Also, I’ve been eating at regular intervals and at the same time each day. I have an appointment to see the doctor again this Friday and we’ll discuss meds and such. But for now, I’m controlling the glucose levels strictly with diet.

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This is what the readings looked like from the first of May until now. It was during the sudden drop when I felt the worst. The level is still too high but the yo-yoing seems to have leveled out.

On the bright side though, I’ve lost 29 pounds and still losing. And, I’ve decided not to reward myself with food, but instead bought myself an iPod. So, I’m busy loading it with my fave music and next week will begin an exercise regime consisting of Tai Chi and stationary bike.

Right now, I think I’ll go upstairs and dig some of my *skinny* clothes out of storage and see if I can fit into any of them.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Test Results Are In

The doctor called today to discuss my test results and I am type 2 diabetic. So, I’m to see him in the next week and we are going to discuss meds and other stuff. I’m really annoyed with myself in that I think I could have prevented this by taking better care of my health. Oh well, no point in beating myself up about it now.

I’m going to set up a notebook to track glucose readings, food intake, weight, recipes, exercise and record overall general health. This way, I’ll be able to give the doctor as much information about how I’m controlling my diabetes and it may help him in some way. It will certainly help me and it can’t do any harm, that’s for sure.

Already I’ve started eating at specific time intervals. Breakfast, mid-day snack, lunch, mid-afternoon snack, dinner, and sometimes evening snack, depending on what time I go to bed. I’ve done this for the past couple days and my blood sugar level has come down - not much - but a bit.

A word of friendly advice to anyone who might be reading this: If diabetes runs in your family, and if you do not have it yet, please take care of yourself now and perhaps you might fend the disease off a little bit longer. And next time you see your doctor - if he hasn’t already - have him check your blood glucose.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

A Drastic Lifestyle Change...

…is right around the corner for me. Went to see the doctor and he sent me for a blood test. The results should be in by Thursday. He wasn’t surprised though that my blood sugar levels were high, considering diabetes runs in my immediate family. The food choices I’ve been making thus far have been good, but now, they have to be even better. Thank goodness there are some great artificial sweeteners out there because I’ll be cutting sugar completely from my diet. And, thank goodness my husband is very supportive. We’ve had a talk about how food preparation will have to change and he’s come up with some really good ideas. I don’t want to deprive him just because I cannot eat certain foods. Even if the blood test shows I’m not diabetic (but I seriously doubt that it will) I’ll still have to make this change.

So, for today, lunch was good. I had raw veggies along with that yogurt dip recipe I found. Had to kick it up a notch though, so I added chopped green onion, lots of freshly cracked black pepper, a dash of salt, a teaspoon of mayo and 100g of cottage cheese. Of course I didn’t eat all that in one go, there’s enough left over for a snack tonight. My water intake is low today because I had some errands to run but yesterday I drank 2.5 litres. Actually, I don’t drink a lot of water when I’m out because it makes me want to pee and a toilet is not always convenient. Sorry, too much information.

Oh well, I’m off to look for some good low-fat recipes.

Monday, May 7, 2007


Sometimes I over eat or make bad food choices when I’m stressed. It’s at those times that I tend not to step onto the scales because I know my weight will be up. Scientists from the University of Liverpool Psychology department found that stress acts as a trigger to over-consume and in particular, females who eat in response to emotions were more prone to excessive food consumption when stressed. Ain’t that the truth! Ever eat a whole bag of M&M’s (or whatever your craving might be) right before your period? I have. But there’s so many events that can happen in our lives that causes stress. Losing a loved one, losing a job, too many bills, unfaithful spouse, unruly children, and being over-weight can cause stress, the list goes on. Everyone handles stress differently and I don’t handle it well at all.

Prevention magazine gives a few ideas on how to take the edge off negative emotions and possibly reduce stress.

  • Call a friend
  • Read a book or magazine
  • Take a scented bubble bath
  • Go to the gym
  • Write your feelings in a journal
  • Play with your kids or your dog
  • Have a massage
  • Go to a movie
  • Take a 30-minute walk
  • Buy or pick some flowers
  • Listen to music
  • Take a catnap
  • Work on your hobby
  • Rent a DVD
  • Do volunteer work
  • Drop in on a neighbour
  • Take a yoga class
  • Do three total-body stretches
  • Meditate or pray for 15 minutes
  • Watch one of your favourite TV shows
  • Spend 15 uninterrupted minutes catching up with your spouse
  • Sit silently for 10 minutes
  • Walk around the mall and buy yourself a small present
  • Have a heart-to-heart with a friend
There’s a simple test you can take if you suspect you suffer from stress. Click here and it will take you directly to the test page. Make sure you read all the instructions first or you may get a false result.

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Make Mine Water...On the Rocks

It’s my favourite non-alcoholic beverage. Give me a big glass of water loaded with ice and I’m a happy camper. What is the recommend daily water intake, five or six large glasses? I can’t remember. But that’s not a problem for me anyway because I drink that much and more, not because of thirst, but because I like it. The American and British Diabetes Associations say that excessive thirst is one of the symptoms of diabetes. Well, I wouldn’t know because I usually don’t get thirsty because I’m always drinking water. Having said that, when I’m out and about on a hot summer day and I do get thirsty, water is the only beverage that will quench my thirst. Sometimes I add a slice of lemon, which is a good thing in that the citric acid can actually help to reduce blood glucose levels. Drinking a big glass of water right before a meal curbs my appetite as well. And if I drink water with my meal, I tend to eat less. Fortunately, I have *no medical condition that prevents me from drinking as much water as I want.

Here are a few points to consider:
  • blood is 83% water
  • muscles are 75% water
  • the brain is 74% water
  • bone is 22% water
  • an average adult body is 50 to 65 percent water
  • water helps regulate temperature, carries nutrients and oxygen, and removes waste
  • water cushions joints and organs
  • caffeine and alcohol are diuretics, which cause urination and water loss

Drinking water also helps the skin, the largest organ in the human body. What woman does not want beautiful skin?

*This is my opinion only. I’m not suggesting anyone start a water diet, nor am I suggesting anyone add citric acid to your water. This is what works for me. I’m not suggesting anyone do anything with water until you check with your doctor first.

Friday, May 4, 2007

A Possible Explanation

…for my unexplained weight loss. Someone on here commented that I should have my blood sugar checked for diabetes and my response was that I check ever so often with my Mom’s machine and so far, so good. And I do, but I’ve not checked it in a few months and then it was under 10.0 (which by UK standards anything 10.0 and under is normal). I just checked it today and it is 18.1. I was hoping the machine is wrong so I checked Mom’s and her level is 5.4. I’ll check my husband - who is not diabetic - when he gets home and if his is normal that means the machine is correct and my blood sugar is *not* normal. So, I’ll keep checking though the weekend and if it is still registering high I’ll be making an appointment with the doctor on Monday.

I’m not really surprised since my mother and three of my sisters have diabetes. It was bound to happen to me sooner or later. They all have type 2 diabetes and according to an article I was reading today, scientists in the UK have isolated three new genes predisposing people to develop type 2 diabetes.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Another Pound Lost

Weighed myself this morning and I’ve lost another pound. I honestly don’t know how I’m doing it. About November of last year I topped the scales at 305 - the heaviest I’ve ever been. Then, I started doing Tai Chi exercises and that lasted for a few weeks. I didn’t eat a lot over the holiday but I didn’t exactly watch what I ate either. Sometime after the first of the year, I noticed some of my clothes were not as snug as before but I didn’t think much about it because I can drop five pounds almost overnight and then gain it right back. It was about three weeks ago that I stepped on the scale and noticed that I had dropped around twenty pounds. Still I didn’t think much about it. I’ve lost this much before when really trying but eventually gained it all back. Then, a few days ago I stepped back onto the scales and noticed another six pounds had disappeared. And today, another pound is gone. That’s a total of 27 pounds lost since November 2006. Perhaps my metabolism is finally speeding up. Twenty seven pounds is not bad for six months. At this rate, six months from now I’ll be 251 and on my way back to my normal weight. Hopefully, by this time next year I’ll be close to 200 pounds and feeling much better.