It’s my favourite non-alcoholic beverage. Give me a big glass of water loaded with ice and I’m a happy camper. What is the recommend daily water intake, five or six large glasses? I can’t remember. But that’s not a problem for me anyway because I drink that much and more, not because of thirst, but because I
like it. The American and British Diabetes Associations say that excessive thirst is one of the symptoms of diabetes. Well, I wouldn’t know because I usually don’t get thirsty because I’m always drinking water. Having said that, when I’m out and about on a hot summer day and I do get thirsty, water is the
only beverage that will quench my thirst. Sometimes I add a slice of lemon, which is a good thing in that the citric acid can actually help to reduce blood glucose levels. Drinking a big glass of water right
before a meal curbs my appetite as well. And if I drink water
with my meal, I tend to eat less. Fortunately, I have
*no medical condition that prevents me from drinking as much water as I want.
Here are a few points to consider:
- blood is 83% water
- muscles are 75% water
- the brain is 74% water
- bone is 22% water
- an average adult body is 50 to 65 percent water
- water helps regulate temperature, carries nutrients and oxygen, and removes waste
- water cushions joints and organs
- caffeine and alcohol are diuretics, which cause urination and water loss
Drinking water also helps the skin, the largest organ in the human body. What woman does not want beautiful skin?
*This is
my opinion only. I’m not suggesting anyone start a
water diet, nor am I suggesting anyone add citric acid to your water. This is what works for
me. I’m not suggesting anyone do
anything with water until you check with your doctor first.