…for my unexplained weight loss. Someone on here commented that I should have my blood sugar checked for diabetes and my response was that I check ever so often with my Mom’s machine and so far, so good. And I do, but I’ve not checked it in a few months and then it was under 10.0 (which by UK standards anything 10.0 and under is normal). I just checked it today and it is 18.1. I was hoping the machine is wrong so I checked Mom’s and her level is 5.4. I’ll check my husband - who is not diabetic - when he gets home and if his is normal that means the machine is correct and my blood sugar is *not* normal. So, I’ll keep checking though the weekend and if it is still registering high I’ll be making an appointment with the doctor on Monday.
I’m not really surprised since my mother and three of my sisters have diabetes. It was bound to happen to me sooner or later. They all have type 2 diabetes and according to an article I was reading today, scientists in the UK have isolated three new genes predisposing people to develop type 2 diabetes.