Weighed myself this morning and I’ve lost another pound. I honestly don’t know how I’m doing it. About November of last year I topped the scales at 305 - the heaviest I’ve ever been. Then, I started doing Tai Chi exercises and that lasted for a few weeks. I didn’t eat a lot over the holiday but I didn’t exactly watch what I ate either. Sometime after the first of the year, I noticed some of my clothes were not as snug as before but I didn’t think much about it because I can drop five pounds almost overnight and then gain it right back. It was about three weeks ago that I stepped on the scale and noticed that I had dropped around twenty pounds. Still I didn’t think much about it. I’ve lost this much before when really trying but eventually gained it all back. Then, a few days ago I stepped back onto the scales and noticed another six pounds had disappeared. And today, another pound is gone. That’s a total of 27 pounds lost since November 2006. Perhaps my metabolism is finally speeding up. Twenty seven pounds is not bad for six months. At this rate, six months from now I’ll be 251 and on my way back to my normal weight. Hopefully, by this time next year I’ll be close to 200 pounds and feeling much better.