Tuesday, September 18, 2007


Weight has hit a serious plateau so I’m holding at 244/245. I’m not surprised considering how much I’ve lost so far. Actually, I’ve upped my calories by about 200 per day as I suspect my body is thinking there’s a famine going on and is trying to save all the fat it can. Hopefully it will now think that all is well and after a bit of adjustment will start to burn fat again. I’m in no hurry to lose because I know that I’ll lose it eventually, forever. The good news is, I can now wear everything in my wardrobe, which is remarkable considering this time last year I was down to two or three outfits that I could wear comfortably.

Thank goodness for ibuprofen. Arthritis is flaring up and I’m in a lot of pain these days so needless to say not doing much exercise at the moment. I sure hope I’m better next week because hubs is on holiday and I need to help him replace some fence panels.

Other than the arthritis I’m OK. Diabetes is in check, blood pressure is almost normal as well. A bit of friendly advice to anyone out there who might be reading this. Exercise and lose your weight now, while you’re young and while it is still easy to do. Don’t wait until you get older because it is a lot more difficult once arthritis, diabetes or some other illness sets in.