Instead of my usual workout in my "gym" I went for a 30 minute walk. It felt really
good to actually walk at a quick pace. Oh man - I can remember when I couldn't make it half way down the block (at a snails pace) without sucking wind, feeling like my femurs were being wrenched out of their sockets, my quads burning like they'd had sulfuric acid poured over them, my knee joints in pain, my calves seizing up, feeling light-headed, heart beating far more rapidly than it should, feeling like I was about to drop dead, dead,
D.E.A.D.When I was younger I could walk a lot. I'm talking about miles and miles at a very fast pace. Yes, those were the good old days when I could eat anything I wanted - within reason - and then exercise like a demon to burn it all off. I remember going out with the girls and having pizza and beer then come home and do several hundred jump-ropes.
Body Types
My body shape is hour glass. After having gained all this weight it's more rectangular

but I'm working on that. Can't wait to see the hour glass one again.
Dinner will be roast beef and baked potatoes. Can't wait.