Sunday, August 26, 2007

.:Weekly Averages:.

Week ending 25 August 2007

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BP normal; BSL normal. Weight 250.

This is how the week ended. Totals are still within well defined parameters but the weight loss has come to a screeching halt. For a few days I dropped two pounds below my first goal of 250 then for some very odd reason I gained the two pounds back and now I'm holding at 250 pounds. No idea why. I even walked six miles last week. I dare not go below 1000 calories because I feel that just isn't the right thing to do. I've analysed the entire plan, changed what I think should be changed, and still no more loss. The conclusion I've reached is that my body is resting - rearranging - adjusting. So, I'll give it that.

The other day I tried on the dress I wore when me and hubs got married and it's too big! I'm smaller than I was the day we got married. :) As I stood, buck naked, looking at myself in the full-length mirror, I can see that I've lost. It took a long time for me to actually see the difference because I'm my own worst critic. But yes, there is definitely a change for the better.

Anyway, not much to talk about these days so until the scale starts moving again I'll probably only update once a week.

To all who might be reading this - go out there an make it a good day!

Toodles :)

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Feeling Much Better Today

Yes, even though I messed up yesterday with my food plan. My total calories were 1,136 but the fat grams were 39!!!! That means 31% of my total calories were F-A-T calories. NO! This will never do. And I know the reason this happened. Yesterday I didn't have any complex carbs for lunch and therefore my body had no fuel to get me through the afternoon. Plus, I walked another 1½ miles yesterday afternoon and what little strength I got from my meager lunch I used up in the walk or possibly before. I was so hungry right before dinner that I reached for a slice of chocolate-caramel shortbread. That sucker was small but it contained 281 calories and 17! fat grams. What was I thinking? No wonder I was so tired after getting back from my afternoon walk - no wonder I was so hungry and couldn't wait until dinner - no wonder I reached for a carb that was totally void of nutrition instead of something healthy and nutritious. There were two bananas right there on the counter beside the shortbread! **Sigh** Hard lesson learned.

I'm on the brink of losing one of those pesky two pounds. Yes, the scale this morning flashed from 250 to 249 then back to 250 so I'm pleased about that. My intestinal tract is feeling much better due to the fact that I've increased my fibre intake.

BP is 110/56 and BSL is 5.8. All is right with the world. :)

BBL if I have anything else to report.


ETA: Walked ½ mile today.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Analysis Complete: More Fibre Necessary

Yesterday I blogged about how I had gained two pounds and that it was time to re-evaluate my meal plan. After carefully looking at my totals in FitDay I've come to the conclusion that I need a bit more fibre in my diet. I believe the gain is due to my -ahem- plumbing being backed up a bit. TMI but there ya go. Anyway, I've begun to take yet another supplement to rectify the problem and it's a product called FibreSure. FibreSure is tasteless, contains no sugar and one heaping teaspoon twice per day will add 10 grams of fibre to my diet. I'm alreading getting an average of 20 grams per day. RDA is 20-35 grams per day so another 5-10 grams will help. As of this morning, plumbing problems are being sorted. Hopefully that pesky two pounds will go away!

Today's Walk: 1½ miles in 24min35sec - yes, I used a stop-watch. Hubs went along and that's good 'cause he can stand to lose a few pounds as well. Relaxing now with a big glass of iced water! I love water, it's my favourite drink.

Not much more to say so I'll end here and get on with my day.

Addendum: Walked another 1½ miles this afternoon

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

I Feel Good

Back from my mile walk and I feel great in spite of getting rained on. The mile felt effortless today so I think tomorrow I'll go a mile and a half. Foot problems are gone so I can now walk and exercise without having pain or fear of doing more damage - and I didn't have to see my GP either. Hubs went with me again today, which was nice. His company allows him to work from home so he can pretty much go with me whenever.

BSL is down to 6.6 and BP is 114/74. Those readings are a far cry from 17.3 and 150/90 a few months ago. Next time I see my GP I think I'll ask if I can go off the BP meds or at least cut down.

Back up two pounds *gasp* but I'm not worried about it. I weigh-in every day, in the morning, buck naked. I'm not one to panic or get discouraged if the scale shows a small gain. Instead I analyse my food and exercise diary for the last two weeks to see if I can find the reason - perhaps too many fat grams or some empty calories somewhere. Or perhaps my plumbing is backed up in which case I add more fibre. Am I retaining water? Or maybe I need to workout a few more minutes each day. See? No need to panic. No need to give up. No need to get discouraged. This has happened several times during my weight-loss journey and I'm sure it will continue to happen until I reach my ultimate goal and during maintenance. Might as well get used to it and learn how to deal with it. I've already dropped 18.6% of my total body weight and will continue to drop. :) I'm a winner and a loser.

Right! Time to get on with my day.


Sunday, August 19, 2007

.:Weekly Averages:.

Week ending 18 August 2007

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My Left Foot

No walkies for me today as I've got something wrong with my foot. About two weeks ago I pulled a bit of dead skin from a callus and apparently not all the skin was dead! It hurt for a bit and then seemed to be OK. Now, however, I have a lump where the sore spot was and it hurts like a mofo. Have I got some infection in there? I don't know. Surely to goodness I won't have to go back to my GP -he's going to think I fancy him. I feel like such a wuss. I've seen him more in the past few months than I did in the past few years! Anyway, my foot woke me up this morning at 6 A.M. so here I am at 7:30am typing Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket away on this blog. Foot is not hurting at the moment but when it touches something else pain shoots all through it.

Well, that's it for the moment. Perhaps I'll be back later if I have anything else to add.


Saturday, August 18, 2007

Much More Better

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After some much needed R&R yesterday I'm feeling better, not 100% but better. Hubs and I are going shopping today for a curtain pole for the bedroom. I already have the fabric to make some new bedroom curtains but I need a few extras before I actually cut the fabric. Also, I need a bit of fabric to finish a quilt so it will be a challenge to find the right color.

Other than that, I'll probably just lounge around the house with hubs today. Perhaps he and I will go for a walk this afternoon.

addendum: Shopping was good, found all the fabrics I needed. Hubs and I went for a walk when we got back. Good job we did too as it's raining now. Just enjoyed a cup of hot chocolate (made with skimmed milk and splenda) and now I'm relaxing and surfing the net.

To anyone reading this: Go out there and make it a good day!

Friday, August 17, 2007

Another Pound Lost

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Another 30 minute walk today.


Back from my walk and I've noticed a very bad habit that must be broken. My posture. Somewhere in time I've begun to slouch. I think it's because I was trying to minimise my big boobs and tummy so by slouching they seemed to not protrude so far out. Since those areas are becoming smaller, from here on, I'm going to make the effort to straighten up and stand and walk correctly. No doubt, improving my posture will strengthen my back muscles as well.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Change in Routine

Instead of my usual workout in my "gym" I went for a 30 minute walk. It felt really good to actually walk at a quick pace. Oh man - I can remember when I couldn't make it half way down the block (at a snails pace) without sucking wind, feeling like my femurs were being wrenched out of their sockets, my quads burning like they'd had sulfuric acid poured over them, my knee joints in pain, my calves seizing up, feeling light-headed, heart beating far more rapidly than it should, feeling like I was about to drop dead, dead, D.E.A.D.

When I was younger I could walk a lot. I'm talking about miles and miles at a very fast pace. Yes, those were the good old days when I could eat anything I wanted - within reason - and then exercise like a demon to burn it all off. I remember going out with the girls and having pizza and beer then come home and do several hundred jump-ropes.

Body Types

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My body shape is hour glass. After having gained all this weight it's more rectangular Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket but I'm working on that. Can't wait to see the hour glass one again.

Dinner will be roast beef and baked potatoes. Can't wait.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007


I've been waiting a long, long time to make this post. Finally, I'm at my first goal of 250 pounds! Yes, that's 17 stones 12 pounds. That's 55 pounds of fat gone forever! Fifty five pounds of fugly fat that kept me on the couch unable to exercise or walk very far and barely able to breathe. Finally! I can move on to phase two of my journey. My tickers will now start at 250 and my next goal is 225. By my calculations I'll reach this second goal by the end of the year. Congratulations to me. And a belated happy birthday present from me to me. Now, I think I'll go and celebrate with a 60 minute workout.

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Monday, August 13, 2007


Not much to report. Exercised for 70 minutes today and I feel great.

Food choices are still good. I had this meal back in June for lunch and I think I'll have the same tonight for dinner.

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  • Calories = 268

  • Fat = 3g

  • Fat calories = 30

  • Carbs = 51g

  • Fibre = 5g

  • Protein = 11g

  • Protein calories = 44

Sunday, August 12, 2007

My Home Gym....sort of

Well, it seems as though I've got a nice little gym for myself. Over the past few weeks I've accumulated the tools to help me get in shape as I lose weight. Some of it I bought new and some used. I have a nice little collection of books, videos and dvds as well. HubsPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket is in the process of converting the vids to dvds so I can watch them on the telly in my sewing/exercise room.

Stepped on the scalePhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket today and it said 251. It's funny in that I will stay the same for over a week then in two days I'll lose 2-3 pounds. Go figure. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Flaxseed Oil - I take this twice daily in capsule form.

Flaxseed oil is derived from the seeds of the flax plant. Flaxseed oil and flaxseed contain substances that promote good health. Flaxseed oil is rich in alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), an essential fatty acid that appears to be beneficial for heart disease, inflammatory bowel disease, arthritis and a variety of other health conditions. Flaxseed, in addition to ALA, contains a group of chemicals called lignans that may play a role in the prevention of cancer.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

.:Weekly Averages:.

Week ending 11 August 2007

Dinner is over and here are the numbers.

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Exercised four days this week.


So Near but So Far

Replaced the battery in my scale this morning and it said 252 pounds. So I'm not sure what I actually weigh, 249 by the doctors scale or 252 by my scale. I'm pleased either way but I'm going to go by mine. It's an excellent digital scale and gives me the same weight each time when I stand on it several different times per weigh-in. Same with my husband. He can get on and off the scale several times in a row and get the same weight.

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Probably won't exercise today as hubs has weekends off so that's when we do most of our errands. Working out five days per week is better than nothing.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Have I Met My Goal or Not?

Had a doctors appointment today and his scale said 249 pounds. WOOT! So, I've actually met and surpassed my first goal of 250 pounds before the target date of August 13! That also means my scale either has a dying battery or ready to go on the fritz but is definitely no longer in sync with the doctors scale. At any rate, I think I should stick with what my scale says for consistency. Having said that, it's strange that my scale has not moved for quite sometime. Hmmmm, something to ponder. I think I'll replace the battery just in case.

Exercised for just over an hour today and here's what I did:

  • Dumbbell Bench Press - two sets, 20 reps each

  • Dumbbell Extensions - one set, 10 reps

  • Seated Dumbbell Curls - one set, 20 reps

  • Dumbbell Lunges - one set, 8 reps

  • Hammer Curls - one set, 30 reps

  • Leg Lifts w/2.5# ankle weights - two sets, 20 reps each

  • Marching in place w/2.5# ankle weights - 15 minutes

  • Funky Dancing - 10 minutes

  • Stationary Bike - 15 minutes (this one kicks my ass)

Music: ABBA, Atomic Kitten, Hooked on Classics, Hollies, Milli Vanilli (yeah, I know)

Positive thought for today: "No matter who you are, no matter what you do, you absolutely, positively do have the power to change."

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Exercise: Day Three

Workout today was for 35 minutes consisting of weights, resistance bands, stretches and leg lifts. Didn't do more because I had a nagging sinus headache. Tomorrow will be cardio consisting of aerobics and stationary bike. Today, I have to formulate a proper workout plan as I've decided to alternate days with cardio and weight training.

Weight wise, the scale this morning flashed from 253 to 252 then back to 253, so, I guess my goal of 250 by my birthday is not going to be realised. No biggie. In fact, I expect my weight loss to slow down as I continue my workouts because fat will start turning into muscle. Anyway, one way or another, the fat will go and the scales will show a lower number, eventually. I didn't get like this over night and I'm not going to get in shape over night either. The best and most important thing is that I'm feeling better than I've felt in months.

Now, I'm off to experiment with a cup of hot chocolate using skimmed milk and splenda. :)


Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Exercise: Day Two

Two days in a row of structured exercise and I feel great. What a good feeling to know I'm doing something positive that is going to help me get my health back.

Hubs has been measuring me for the past two months and I'm starting to see results. I only started keeping a log of my measurements from 1 July. So far the measurements look like this:

  • Neck = .5 inch lost
  • Upper arm = 1.5 inches lost
  • Upper bust = 2 inches lost
  • Bust = 2 inches lost
  • Waist = 1 inch lost
  • Hips = .5 inch lost
  • Thighs = 1 inch lost
  • Calf = no change
  • Ankle = .5 inch lost

I'll be interested to see how those measurements look next month after exercising this month for one hour each day, six days a week. Hubs is going out today to get a set of ankle weights for me and I think I'll have him get a set of body fat calipers as well.

Not much else to report. It's almost lunch time so I have to figure out what I want. Food choices are getting easier everyday. I find as the weeks go by I'm not as obsessed about food as I used to be, which is a good thing. :)

Today's positive thought: "When you gain control of your body, you will gain control of your LIFE."

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Exercise: It's A Good Thing

Got some structured exercise in today and I feel great! I'm only now getting to the point where I can actually do some decent cardio and resistance exercises. Before I lost the 52 pounds, when I attempted any exercise at all, I'd almost collapse after just a few minutes. Now though, today I did 60 minutes straight consisting of stationary bike, weights, resistance bands, Tai Chi and some light aerobics. I actually worked up a sweat! Had my water bottle handy and drank a whole litre before the hour had ended.

This is how I felt before the exercises:
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And this is how I felt after:
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Lunch was turkey and tomato on whole wheat bread and a big glass of iced water. That's 339 calories; 6 grams of fat; 38 carbs; 8 fibre and 33 protein.

I feel fantastic! Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

It can only get better from here on, folks.

Today's positive thought is: "Focus on progress, not perfection."

Monday, August 6, 2007

Not All Ham Slices Are Equal

While out yesterday hubs and I stopped at the grocery store. I wanted some lean ham slices for my meals this week. Anyway, there I stood, comparing different packages of ham slices when I saw Weight Watchers ham slices. I thought, cool. First thing I checked was the nutrition label and the fat grams seemed a bit high. So, I compared WW ham slices to Morrison's (supermarket chain) own and my eyes just about popped out of my head. Not only were WW ham slices higher in fat but the ham wasn't actually ham at all but bits and pieces of pork shaped like a ham and then sliced. .:EWWW:. Naturally, I chose the real ham slices which were also less expensive.

Today is going to be busy. Nothing exciting unless you count housework as exciting. Last week I didn't do jack around the house because hubs was off all week and we were out and about most of the time. Today though I have laundry and lots of other stuff to do then I'll settle down and plan out my exercise routine. **the "N" key on my laptop sticks so apologies in advance for typos** I need to create some type of chart as well so I can keep track of exercise type, miles, reps, etc., will probably do that in Excell. I'm off!


Sunday, August 5, 2007

A Beautiful Week

This past week has been one of the best this year. Hubs was on holiday all week and we went everywhere together. I'm so thankful for my husband and I love him more each day. I know, without a shadow of a doubt, that he loves me unconditionally. He's never commented about my size except to express his concern regarding my health. He supports me 100% in my weight-loss endeavors and I appreciate that so much and his support and compliments really boosts my self-esteem. The first words he speaks to me in the morning is, "I love you" and those are the last words he says to me at night. Anyway, enough of that mush.

Been accumulating some exercise equipment and today I bought an ab glider, an exercise mat and a couple work-out videos. Next week I'm going to concentrate on formulating a work-out routine. I'm excited. Oh, I need to go through our music cd's (we have several hundred) and pick out some appropriate music.

"Once the truth is revealed, the path becomes clear."

Saturday, August 4, 2007

.:Weekly Averages:.

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Dinner is over and the weekly averages have been calculated. The alcohol showing was what I drank last Sunday and it was not even worth the calories. Down to 253 pounds - only three pounds from my first goal of 250 pounds. That's a 52 pound loss and 17% loss of my total body weight.

Exercise wise I've done a lot of walking this past week. I'm feeling soooooo much better these days. Not only physically but also emotionally. My blood pressure has gone from 140/90 to 125/72, my blood sugar has gone from 15-22 down to around 6-7 (normal). I've gone from being excessively obese to obese and I'm on my way to being simply overweight.

Life is good.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Another Pound Lost


Stepped on the scale this morning and I've lost another pound. The scale said 253 pounds. I'm losing about 1.75 pounds per week so hopefully I'll reach my first goal by August 13, my birthday. What an excellent birthday present to myself. At this rate, I'll reach my ultimate goal of 165 by this time next year.

Went shopping today and bought several pieces of fabric for making shorts and tops for next summer. I'm not a mall person but I really enjoyed my outing today. The mall is so big and I got lots of walking exercise in. Also, I treated myself to a delicious coffee (with real cream) and a banana nut muffin. I've stayed on plan for so long that I felt no guilt whatsoever while enjoying that coffee and muffin. Just had lunch, half a cantaloupe and 100 grams low fat cottage cheese. Tonight's dinner will be green salad with FF Italian dressing.

Bought some Resistance bands today. A pack of three different workout bands with different resistances. One more apparatus to use in my exercise routine. We passed a shop called Evans -which is like Lane Bryant- and hubs asked me if I wanted to take a look round. I declined because I'm looking forward not backward. I do not want to look at *fat* clothes but I have been looking at *skinny* clothes just to see what my options will be next year. In one shop, I found tank tops in every color of the rainbow for £1 each! Of course, they were all out of my size range, but next year, I'll be able to wear them. I'm so excited! And I have so much to look forward to.

Tomorrow I have an appointment to the Diabetic clinic. I wasn't going to go but they said I could bring someone with me, and since hubs volunteered, I thought I may as well.