Friday, June 1, 2007


Well, I seem to have reached a plateau in my weight loss. I’m holding steady at 272 lbs (33 lbs. lost) but I’m not worried because my body needs time to adjust to my new eating habits. Still choosing wisely, although last night I did eat a bowl of homemade beef stew with two slices of whole wheat bread and a bit of butter. I still came in under my max caloric intake but the fat calories were too high. So, for today, I’ll cut back on fat calories by eating salad tonight for dinner.

Decided to get my new digital camera now instead of waiting for my mini-goal later. After I thought about it for a while, I realised that since I have stopped drinking wine, I’ve saved a bunch of cash. So, I took the cash I’ve already saved (and will save) and bought a kick ass camera. I still need to learn all the buttons and dials and settings but that will come with practice.