Fell slightly off the proverbial wagon last night at dinner. Had meatloaf with steamed veggies. Calorie wise I came in at 500 but it was the 226 fat calories that did me in. So, a simple calculation: 226×100/500=45% No, no, no, this will never do. Dinner was 45% fat! Way too many fat calories for just one meal. The meatloaf was delicious though so I guess that’s why I had a bit too much.
Anyway, weight is holding at 262 pounds. I’m not worried about it though because my body does this every few weeks. It will hang onto the pounds and then will lose several pounds in a few days. My arthritis has flared up lately so I suspect I’m retaining some fluid around my joints. *Shrug* Who knows. I don’t have periods but I’ve read that a woman’s body still goes through monthly cycles, for example, bloating, water weight gain, etc., even though there is no actual bleeding. And we are in a full moon. I’m not superstitious (more scientific) but perhaps the full moon does have an effect on a woman’s body, after all, the feminine cycle is about every 28 days, right?
Welp, I’d best get on with my day.